Home Entertainment Salinko Says His Former Fiancée Misled  Him, These kids are not mine.

Salinko Says His Former Fiancée Misled  Him, These kids are not mine.


Facts of a connection in which Salinko was tricked into thinking he was the father of a child who was not originally his were revealed.

Salinko described how, despite losing their first pregnancy, he was initially thrilled about the idea of becoming a parent. He then described how he gave his ex-lover constant support during her upcoming childbirth. He even went so far as to let her stay in his opulent Kumasi estate while he carried on with his duties in Accra

But only four months after the baby was born, Salinko started to question his lover’s behavior, which sparked debates about the child’s fatherhood.

He was working in Accra when he got a disturbing call accusing him of taking his lover and child from his Kumasi home. This was the beginning of serious trouble.

Startled by the disclosure, Salinko told his lover to vacate his residence while he went back to Accra to take care of the matter. He was shocked to learn that the accuser was a fellow Kumawood actor that he was acquainted with.

Salinko was taken aback by this surprising discovery and asked his ex-girlfriend to clarify her actions. She admitted to double dating in front of her family. Salinko chose to keep the child in his care until he could afford a DNA test, even after the confession.

“She called in her father to apologize on her behalf after I sent her packing. I informed them that since I already felt a bond with the child, I would take care of him until he grew and I could afford to get his DNA tested. However, we all know in our hearts that I am not the father,” Salinko said during an interview on Okukuseku on Adom TV.

After this incident, Salinko and his present spouse have deliberately chosen not to have any shared friends and to be cautious while making new connections.


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